一、科研经费奖励 | |||
序号 |
姓名 |
奖励内容 |
奖励金额(元) |
1 |
卞向阳 |
50万元 |
2000 |
2 |
李敏 |
50万元 |
2000 |
3 |
张祖芳 |
58.9万元 |
2000 |
4 |
鲍诗度 |
270.5240万元 |
5000 |
5 |
方方 |
187.3万元 |
5000 |
6 |
刘晓刚 |
190.9453万元 |
5000 |
7 |
刘咏梅 |
211.6万元 |
5000 |
小计 |
26000 |
二、纵向项目立项 | ||||||
序号 |
姓名 |
项目名称 |
项目类型 |
立项时间 |
总经费(元) |
奖励金额(元) |
1 |
刘晓刚 |
上海市领军人才 |
上海市领军人才 |
2010/12/20 |
100000 |
1000 |
2 |
李俊 |
高性能服装研究及其功能设计 |
新世纪优秀人才支持计划 |
2011/4/1 |
500000 |
1000 |
3 |
刘月蕊 |
中国传统蓝印花布的文化传承与发展创新研究 |
教育部人文社会科学研究项目 |
2011/9/6 |
90000 |
1000 |
4 |
李俊 |
闪火中衣下皮肤的烧伤预测及燃烧假人着装模拟研究 |
高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金 |
2011/12/5 |
120000 |
1000 |
5 |
肖祥 |
以“易班”为载体的大学生党建工作研究与实践 |
其他 |
2011/5/1 |
10000 |
1000 |
6 |
王云仪 |
基于藏袍热调节机制的多点式服装额定温度预测模型研究 |
青年科学基金 |
2011/8/20 |
250000 |
2000 |
7 |
王云仪 |
闪火中衣下皮肤的烧伤预测及燃烧假人着装模拟研究 |
科研创新项目 |
2011/8/31 |
160000 |
1000 |
小计 |
8000 |
三、论文三大检索及CSSCI期刊发表 |
| |||
SCI——2篇 |
| ||
序号 |
姓名 |
题目 |
作者 |
单位 |
刊名 |
卷 |
期 |
影响因子 |
奖励金额(元) |
1 |
崔志英 |
Thermal Protective Performance and Moisture Transmission of Firefighter Protective Clothing Based on Orthogonal Design |
Cui, ZY; Wan, YM; |
Donghua Univ, Fash Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R |
39 |
4 |
0.811 |
2000 |
2 |
崔志英 |
Study of the Effect of Material Assembly on the Moisture and Thermal Protective Performance of Firefighter Clothing |
Cui, ZY; |
Donghua Univ, Fash Inst, |
17 |
6 |
0.629 |
2000 |
小计 |
4000 |
EI——2篇 |
| ||
序号 |
姓名 |
题目 |
作者 |
单位 |
刊名 |
期 |
奖励金额(元) |
1 |
钱欣 |
Combination of daur clothing decorative art and modern fashion design |
Xin, Qian (1); Fei, Bian (1) |
Fashion. Art Institute, |
Journal of |
6 |
500 |
2 |
陈彬 |
Design and implementation of computer-aid garment coordination tool using Fuzzy Neural Network |
Chen, Bin (1); Zeng, Xian-Hui (2); Ding, Yong-Sheng (2) |
Fashion Art Design Institute, |
Journal of |
2 |
500 |
小计 |
1000 |
ISTP——17篇 |
| |
序号 |
姓名 |
题目 |
作者 |
单位 |
会议 |
日期 |
奖励金额(元) |
1 |
崔志英 |
Thermal Protective Performance of Wetted Multilayer Fabrics at Low Level Radiation Source |
Cui, ZY; Zhang, JJ |
Donghua Univ, Fash Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R |
3rd International Symposium of Textile Bioengineering and Informatics |
MAY 28-30, 2010 |
1000 |
2 |
刘晓东 |
Study on Soft Decoration in Interior Space Design from Home Textiles' Touch Impression |
Liu, XD; Feng, XQ; Zhang, XF |
Donghua Univ, Fash Art Design Inst, Shanghai 210051, Peoples R |
3rd International Symposium of Textile Bioengineering and Informatics |
MAY 28-30, 2010 |
1000 |
3 |
崔玉梅 |
Study of the Functionality and Fashionable Factors in Sportswear Design |
Cui, YM; Mao, D; Liu, CM |
Donghua Univ, Fash Art Design Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R |
3rd International Symposium of Textile Bioengineering and Informatics |
MAY 28-30, 2010 |
1000 |
4 |
王建萍 |
Research on the Performance of |
Wang, JP; Liu, XC; Li, DP; Zhu, Y; Li, M |
Donghua Univ, Fash Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R |
International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials |
MAY 28-29, 2010 |
1000 |
5 |
杜劲松 |
Application of Coding System in Garment Techniques Design |
Du, JS |
Donghua Univ, Fash Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R |
10th IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Industrial Design and Conceptual Design |
NOV 26-29, 2009 |
1000 |
6 |
李敏 |
Factor Analysis on Subjective Attributes Affecting Knitted Fabric's Comfort Sensation |
Li, M; Li, DP; Zhang, WY; Tang, XZ |
Donghua Univ, Fash Design & Engn Dept, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R |
1st International Workshop on Database Technology and Applications |
APR 25-26, 2009 |
1000 |
7 |
李敏 |
A Multiple Regression Model for Predicting Comfort Sensation of Knitted Fabric in Sports Condition based on Objective Properties |
Li, M; Li, DP; Zhang, WY; Tang, XZ |
Donghua Univ, Fash Design & Engn Dept, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R |
2nd International Conference on Information and Computing Science |
MAY 21-22, 2009 |
1000 |
8 |
李敏 |
Study on Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Performance of Apparel Foreign Trade Enterprises |
Li, M; Liu, J; Zhao, CC |
Donghua Univ, Fash Design & Engn Dept, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R |
1st Confeence on Web Based Business Management |
SEP 24-25, 2010 |
1000 |
9 |
王建萍 |
Application of Pattern Recognition and 3D Visual Technology in Shirt Mass Customization |
Wang, JP; Li, DP; Zhang, FL |
Donghua Univ, Fash Inst, |
2nd International Conference on Information and Computing Science |
MAY 21-22, 2009 |
1000 |
10 |
刘咏梅 |
3D Shape of Armhole Based on Different Styles of Sleeve Cap |
Liu, YM; Zhou, D; Feng, GH |
Donghua Univ, Fash Inst, |
SREE Conference on Textile Engineering CTE 2010 |
NOV 06-07, 2010 |
1000 |
11 |
杨子田 |
Figure-distinguishing Model and Comparison Rules of the Body Specification Information |
Yang, ZT; Du, JS; Fang, F; Xiao, P |
Donghua Univ, Fash Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R |
International Conference on Management Science and Engineering |
OCT 17-18, 2010 |
1000 |
12 |
于晓坤 |
Evaluation on Breast Shaping Capability of Different Brassiere Strap Styles |
Yu, XK; Zhang, WB; Zhang, Y |
DongHua Univ, Fash Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R |
3rd International Symposium of Textile Bioengineering and Informatics |
MAY 28-30, 2010 |
1000 |
13 |
朱奕 |
Development and Application of Load Balancing Mathematical Model on Apparel Mass Customization Pipeline |
Zhu, Y; Feng, YX |
Donghua Univ, Fash Art Design Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R |
3rd International Symposium of Textile Bioengineering and Informatics |
MAY 28-30, 2010 |
1000 |
14 |
张向辉 |
Effects of Clothing Opening Rates on Thermal Insulation under Various Wind Conditions |
Zhang, XH; Li, J; Liu, X |
Donghua Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Clothing Design & Technol, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R |
3rd International Symposium of Textile Bioengineering and Informatics |
MAY 28-30, 2010 |
1000 |
15 |
张向辉 |
Effects of clothing construction design on protective clothing comfort |
Zhang, XH; Li, J; Wang, YY |
Donghua Univ, Fash Inst, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R |
International Textile Science and Technology Forum |
APR 11-12, 2009 |
1000 |
16 |
张向辉 |
Dynamic Pressure Comfort of Three Garment Sleeve Structures |
Zhang, XH; Li, J; Wang, YY |
Donghua Univ, Protect Clothing Res Ctr, Fash Inst, |
2009 |
1000 |
17 |
王云仪 |
Total Protective Performance of Outer Fabrics in Firefighter Clothing |
Wang, YY; Li, J; Zhang, XH; Han, JS; Huang, ZW |
Donghua Univ, Fash Inst, Fash Design Dept, |
2009 |
1000 |
18 |
刘咏梅 |
Development of the Donghua Basic Block |
Liu, YM; Liu, BF; Keren, M |
Donghua Univ, Shanghai 200051, Peoples R |
SREE Conference on Textile Engineering CTE 2010 |
NOV 06-07, 2010 |
1000 |
小计 |
18000 |
CSSCI-9篇 |
| |
序号 |
论文作者 |
论文题目 |
期刊或论文集名称 |
类别 |
发表年份 |
奖励金额(元) |
1 |
崔齐 |
创意金属灯具的设计与制作 |
装饰 |
C |
2011 |
800 |
2 |
林峰 |
家具设计中的“隐”文化-传统文化在现代家具设计中的体现 |
南昌大学学报(人文社会科学版) |
C |
2011 |
800 |
3 |
林峰 |
林峰作品选登 |
江西社会科学 |
C |
2011 |
800 |
4 |
王熙元 |
《中国古代牌楼建筑的演变发展研究》 |
南昌大学学报(人文社会科学版) |
C |
2011 |
800 |
5 |
王熙元 |
《隋代以前中国宫苑发展研究》 |
南昌大学学报(人文社会科学版) |
C |
2011 |
800 |
6 |
李甍 |
略论辽代契丹髡发的样式 |
考古与文物 |
C |
2011 |
800 |
7 |
刘瑜 |
《簪花仕女团》中的女裙款式疑问及猜想 |
新美术 |
C |
2011 |
800 |
8 |
彭波 |
从“螺蛳壳里做道场”说城市时尚产业 |
新美术 |
C |
2011 |
800 |
9 |
张金鲜 |
艺术设计专业研究生创新性教育模式的构建 |
黑龙江高教研究 |
C |
2011 |
800 |
小计 |
7200 |
四、各系部科研经费完成情况(按项目负责人额度计算) |
| ||||
序号 |
系部 |
2011考核指标(万元) |
2011完成额度(万元) |
完成指标 |
奖励金额(元) |
1 |
服装设计与工程系 |
350 |
737 |
是 |
2000 |
2 |
服装设计系 |
300 |
334.02 |
是 |
2000 |
3 |
环境艺术设计系 |
250 |
301.124 |
是 |
2000 |
4 |
视觉传达系 |
200 |
31.8 |
5 |
工造艺术设计系 |
165 |
47 |
6 |
表演系 |
15 |
18 |
是 |
2000 |
7 |
理论部 |
150 |
81 |
8 |
基础部 |
15 |
0 |
9 |
中日合作 |
55 |
57 |
是 |
2000 |
小计 |
10000 |
奖励金额汇总表 | ||
序号 |
奖励类别 |
奖励金额(元) |
1 |
科研经费奖励 |
26000 |
2 |
纵向项目立项 |
8000 |
3 |
4000 |
4 |
EI |
1000 |
5 |
18000 |
6 |
7200 |
7 |
系部完成指标奖励 |
10000 |
总计 |
74200 |
参考资料 | |||
各系部科研经费完成情况(按拆分至个人的额度计算) | |||
序号 |
系部 |
2011考核指标(万元) |
2011完成额度(万元) |
1 |
服装设计与工程系 |
350 |
461.79 |
2 |
服装设计系 |
300 |
356.5383 |
3 |
环境艺术设计系 |
250 |
98.3329 |
4 |
视觉传达系 |
200 |
116.18 |
5 |
工造艺术设计系 |
165 |
45.85 |
6 |
表演系 |
15 |
21.3295 |
7 |
理论部 |
150 |
72.28 |
8 |
基础部 |
15 |
2 |
9 |
中日合作 |
55 |
103.9 |
10 |
实验室 |
4 |
11 |
办公室 |
42 |
12 |
辅办 |
7 |